Quality Sleep Is Must For Happy Life

Have a quality sleep to stay fit

Good quality sleep is must for remain healthy and fit. Most of us suffer from sleeplessness for different reasons including stresses, tension of work, competitions in life, acidity or blood pressure and other health related problems. However, lack of quality sleep can cause different problems- let’s have a look on few such points-

Most of us get early in the morning for different reasons, women have their reasons related to family and kids while men have to look after their jobs or business and if both of them are working then the problem becomes more complicated.

If one has to getup at 6 in the morning and does not go to sleep until late in the night then the body never gets total rest and remains tired that makes it more difficult to sleep properly, which is called a proper sleep. To keep fit and full of energy you must have a quality sleep even if you sleep for 6 hours at a time. For most adults a sleep of 6-8 hours is enough provided it’s a sound sleep.

Try hot milk before sleeping- Milk contains triptafen element that helps in sleep as it is a good sleep inducer being serotonin. In case some one is allergic to milk, he/she can go for fruits or curds, buttermilk with dinner, which works almost as good. Never try to avoid food for long periods or irregularly because that becomes the cause of acidity resulting in burning sensation in heart and constipation, causes for loss of sleep.

Loss of sleep can make you eat more- It is well-researched fact that people with irregular sleeping habits tend to eat more than compared to people who have fixed timing for sleep. You would be surprised to note that people eat up to 330 calories extra if do not sleep properly or have quality sleep therefore prone to obesity.

Conclusion- Try to find some time for yourself, think positive and if you rise early in the morning, try to sleep in time to have at least 6-8 hours sound and quality sleep. Taking a walk prior to going to bed may solve some of your sleep related problems, as your body gets relaxed and ready to rest. Having a glass of milk helps but you should avoid tea or coffee as caffeine sure keeps sleep away.  

Article Posted By : sunylView All Articles

Sunt thinks - you must sleep tight 

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Keywords :
Sleep , Tight , Milk , Walk , Acidity , Quality , Sound , Extra , Obesity


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