Pot Painting


The pot painting is one of the important Indian art works carried out both as a leisure time activity and professionally. Anyone who has a good level of creativity can get do this very easily provided he has all the necessary materials. This is like an art from waste that you can make use of any worn out pots at your home and convert them into shiny, good looking and attractive piece of art. A painted pot can bring color to the place and make the area bright. Gifting a painted pot is a way of expressing your love to your loved ones in a customized form. Instead of buying a readymade one from the shop you can do pot painting by yourself so that you can make a personalized gift that anyone would love to possess.


You can do pot painting on mud or ceramic pots or even on plastic flower pots. You have to use the fabric colors or enamel paints to paint on the surface. If you are going to paint on the old flower pots then you have to clean them thoroughly. The terra cotta pots have to be soaked overnight in bleaching water and any impurities has to be cleaned. Take care to wash them with soap and dry them completely before you start pot painting.


You can get inspiration for pot painting from the things around you. The simple stripes, circles, squares and any abstract designs could make your pot look great. You can also try other types of painting like image stamping and color spraying. They give a different effect. If you want to three-dimensional texture then you can mix the ceramic powder with the fevicol and paste it all over the pot in particular pattern before you paint on it.


Before you start pot painting you have to remove any bumpy clay particles on the pot. A fine sand paper will help you. You can use an acrylic sealer on the inner surface of the pot. However if the pot is to be used for growing plants this should not be done. A base coat of any base color is essential so that your painting will look perfect. Select the right color that will make the colors on the top look bright. Each coat of the paint has to be dried before applying another coat over it. If you use acrylic paint, then you can draw many layers in a short period of time as it dries quickly. You can decorate it as much as you can and finally you may apply a coat of sealant to complete the pot painting.


With little idea you can make your pot painting look great. For example paste the tape at different intervals and then paint the pot. After the paint dries up remove the tape and you will get neat fine strips adding beauty to the pot. You can also transform a simple pot into a beautiful flower vase with the help of m seal. Use m seal or clay to make flowers and leaves of different types and stick them on the pot and then paint the pot as you like. Wonderful!

Article Posted By : SumazlalView All Articles

Suhaina Mazhar is a freelance content writer and blogger with five years experience in content writing. http://sumazla.blogspot.com is her blog.

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Keywords :
Pot Painting , paintings on pot , pot painting india


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