Planets - A Few Interesting Facts


Now there are 8 planets in solar system. 7 planets revolve sun from west to east while one – the odd of the group revolves sun from east to west. Can you name that planet? Venus! So, let me give a few more interesting facts related to solar system and planets.


Valley of Mars – This valley in planet Mars has 5K kilometer length, 100 km breadth and 7 km thickness and it lies in between 4 volcanoes. Flood may give rise to such hollows on earth. Grand Canon of Arizona is one such. But surface of mars has no water. If presence of water occurs, it will freeze to form ice. Atmosphere also doesn’t contain water.


Geysers of Triton – Triton is the largest natural satellite of Neptune. This stream that rises up to 8000 km height is deeply concentrated with nitrogen, methane or other organic compounds. When this hot flow of geyser rises up, the sound produced can be heard up to distance. This smoky geyser was reported by Voyager-2 of Nasa.


Jupiter’s great Red spot – This red spot was found in South Pole of Jupiter 400 years ago. It happens similar to hurricane of earth due to variation in atmospheric pressure. Its wind is up to 400 km/hr speed enough to call it a hurricane. It’s believed that, before 100 years this hurricane had 40,000 km square surface area. Now its size has reduced considerably. Though reasons behind red colour have not been quoted correctly, it’s believed to be the presence of phosphor, sulphur and organic components.


Two sunrises of Mercury - Manchester of Nasa gave the first images of this unique phenomenon in Mercury planet – dual sunrise of mercury! Soon after sun rise, sun disappears for a while in mercury and rises again. This happens due to rotation of Mercury. When mercury revolves sun twice, it rotates thrice giving rise to this unique sight. It revolves around the sun in oval shape, giving two sunrises and sunsets a day!


Magical ring of Saturn – Saturn is the most beautiful planet of solar system. It has 62 moons with size ranging from 1 km to the size of this planet. The rings of Saturn make it different from other planets and it was found for the first time in 1610 by Galileo. It’s believed that this ring is formed by the explosion of comets and asteroids before reaching this planet. The drops on the ring similar to magician’s cap have the surface area equivalent to small mountains and each particle moves in different velocity.

Article Posted By : Sandhya RanilView All Articles

A great worshipper of Universe

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Keywords :
planets , planets of solar system , Valley of Mars , Geysers of Triton


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