Leisure Time Activities

Every people have some leisure time. Some people use it by sleeping but some use this time in doing some activities. Few of them read story books, few do some exercise, and few can fulfill their dreams and hobbies. Some play indoor games some play outdoor games.

Reading is a good habit to all. Following newspaper daily is a good habit. It can help us to know different news of country and abroad. In one word it helps us to keep updated.

Student should use the leisure time by following some activities like playing, reading some story books and also should do some brain tease type games. It helps them to be more intelligent. Student also does physical exercise daily. Playing games in group help them to learn about discipline, honesty and team spirit with punctuality.

Middle age people should use their leisure time properly. First of all they should do something to keep them fit either physically or mentally. They can also read newspaper daily and story books also. Some time they can spend little time with their family members especially with their children.

Aged people have many more leisure time. Laziness can bring many diseases mentally or physically. It will be better to them to keep busy in few activities. They also can spend little time with their grand children. They should do some physical exercise daily to be fit. They also can spend little time by gossiping with some other old friends.

It is said that "no play and lot of work makes Jonny a dull boy". Idle brain is the devil of workshop. So we all should keep us busy in some positive works. We should give few time to our nation also. We can do some voluntary jobs. We should keep our surroundings clean. We can help some children by helping them in their studies. We can do gardening also. By doing some physical works we can keep ourselves fit and healthy as well as it helps others also in some way

It also has a good side which is next generation can also follow us and may learn some good habits. After all they are our future who will make a better world.

Article Posted By : Ram Prosad AcharyyalView All Articles

I always do something when i get time.

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leisure time uses and benifits


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