Jini - A Java Technology


Jini is a java Technology developed by Sun Microsystems and was officially launched on January 1999.JINI enables users to share services and resources over a network. In Simple by using Jini technology we can control our TV, oven, refrigerator, fan etc from our computer.


It can make network into a flexible, easy access to resources anywhere on the network. It is a simple set of Java classes and services in the java 2 standard edition platform.


The current Jini version is version 1.1 which was released in October 2000. Jini  allows and encourages new types of services and new uses of existing networks and so it has the potential to alter our use of computer service networks.


One example for Jini is, keep  a Jini-enabled computer or laptop  in a Jini-enabled conference room and the computer can automatically  find and use the services of the conference room .The computer will automatically find the printer inside the room, and can download any drivers required by the printer and can  send its output to the printer.


Jini can be used with every device such as traditional computer hardware and software that passes digital information in and out .It can be used with consumer appliances such as personal digital assistants (PDAs), TVs, DVD players, digital cameras, cell phones.


In Jini technology, users can access resources located anywhere on the network. Both resource and user locations can alter without affecting the application. Devices, users and resources can connect and disconnect the network without manual reconfiguration.


It helps Programmers by simplify the work of writing distributed applications by freeing them from network topology. New services are easy to program in Java, and can be easily added to the network. It also helps in open entirely new market like software enhancements and customer care. It has the facilities like alternative messaging patterns and implementation of many other distributed computing patterns. It is open-source, the program code is freely available on the Internet .


Limitations of Jini include, Jini is not compatible with the KVM (Kilobyte Virtual Machine ). Jini requires some J2SE based features like RMI to work, and these kinds of features are limited for the current KVM implementations.

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Jini , Java Technology


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