How To Take Care Of Ourselves In Summer Season


Summer season is such a season which is very hot. At that time if we neglect our health then we will become weaker. Then sunstroke occurs. So if you want to protect yourself from these problems and spend the summer season cool and happily then you have to know which food must be taken and which food should not be taken in this season. The food like chilled butter, watermelon pieces, toddy palm seeds and kheera cucumber will make our body cool in summer season.

            In summer, whatever food we eat must be digested easily. The food which we consume should contain more water percentage. If you have more amount of oil food then it does not digest easily and we feel thirstier. Due to the insufficient water in your body the life cycle will become slow. Therefore, weakness will occur. Then your skin and hair will become dull. To avoid such problems, we need to consume the fresh vegetables and fruits which are available in this summer season. Take kheera as example. If you eat more kheera also there will be no calorie problem. For 100 grams of kheera consumption, our body receives 15 calories only. By consuming more kheera the heat in the body gets cool. The salts which are lost due to sweating can be obtained again. The potassium present in the kheera will protect heart from heart problems. From 100 grams of kheera, our body receives 147 mili grams of potassium. This will help in sending out toxins which are settled in the stomach.

            Another problem which we suffer in this season is dehydration. To escape from this problem, we have to regularly eat the watermelon which contains dark red color pulp. It contains 92% of water and there are many benefits from it. It does not contain any cholesterol. For 1 cup of watermelon pieces we receive 46 calories only. We get instant relaxation and energy after coming from hot sun. This improves the functioning of kidneys. To bare the heat of the temperature during summer season the best liquid which we have to take is buttermilk in which cumin seeds and curry leaves are mixed. So when we have this buttermilk we feel so relief and the lactic acid present in it help the rice which we consumed digest easily. It will provide sufficient calcium, potassium, zinc to us. Therefore, sweating and sultriness will reduce. Not only butter, if you take curd everyday then the health problem which occur due to the infection like Calera, typhoid and amebiasis will not spread and occur. 

Article Posted By : sarala smileylView All Articles

Sarala. I love to write and work

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Takecare of yourself in summer heat , summer care


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