Forgive - The Keyword To Successful Relationships

The need to forgive arises out of the fact that helps in bringing in positive energy flow that has helped many people to feel healthy and good in life. I would like to quote one of my friends that believed that exercising ones grouse against one that did harm to her would help her feel good and give the person something back in his own coin. However sadly this only made her feel more miserable and also strained her relationship with everyone that came in contact with her and committed mistakes. 

But later though not too late she realized that forgiving and experiencing each interaction with a person as new always helped her to feel good and fulfilled and the change definitely helped her to get back all the friends she had lost. In addition her ability to think and pray more constructively helped her to not only perform well in life, but also gave her the bowl of fruitful and positive relationships she deserved in her life.

However many of my friends could ask me, whether forgiving meant just to forgive and forget the entire harm the person has done to us. My intention is not to communicate that idea, but just to say that forgiving removed the negativity in us and replaced it with positive thoughts. Forgetting, I would say is not always advisable, for that would only account to our committing the same mistake of placing faith on the person forgiven and be fooled or taken advantage again. 

An example of a daughter-in-law existing in an abusive relationship with her husband and mother-in-law supporting each other in all the misdeeds would prove useful to prove the point of forgiving but not forgetting. It may prove useful for the sake of the relationship for the daughter-in-law to forgive her husband and mother-in-law if they apologized or were sorry, but her being emotionally balanced to face up to the same misdeeds of the past in future may prove useful.  

The same attitude of forgive but never forget could apply to most difficult relationships as between colleagues at work, friends, neighbors, relatives, family or for that matter between any 2 adults. My views go further to say that being forgiven or to forgive is good, but it would lie in each one of our interests to avoid being unreasonable in any relationship to the best of our capabilities and capacities. 

I can already feel some of my friends wanting to boo me down with the words, “It is easy for you to preach, but very difficult to practice”. They would be probably asking me if I have done it myself and to share it with all. I would first say that forgiveness would not change harm caused to the past or present, but could definitely enhance the future of our relationships. Yes dear friends, look at each person as if you are meeting him/her for the first time and cultivate the habit of forgiveness with constant practice. 

Are you on the way to forgive for great and productive relationships? 


Article Posted By : subnirmalalView All Articles

I love writing and believe in relationships the foundation to society.

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Keywords :
forgive , fruitful , nurturing , good , ill feelings , grouse , hatred , jealousy , grouse ,


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