Facing Challenges To Feel The Victory


We all know that victory is a desire that can only be obtained by working hard and facing challenges. Life can be compared to a high mountain filled with rocks and other ups and downs. It can also be compared to the deep sea with waves. The one who can climb the mountain of life facing the difficulties will be the one who can enjoy the view at the top. Our sheer determination and hard work can lead us to success.


It is impossible to be successful in life without facing challenges. We all know that the only place success comes before work is in the dictionary. We have many examples of people who have faced many challenges in life to be successful. Helen Keller’s life is one of the greatest examples. In spite of a lot of physical disabilities she came out as successful person. “Every black cloud has a silver lining” which means every adversity has a bright side. But it is left to us whether to look at the bright side or not. Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Jawaharlal Nehru and many other great people have worked so hard and sacrificed their lives for the welfare of their country. Successful people always have well-wishers around them but they only have them when they are successful.


The flower rose is beautiful. So much so that it is the national flower of England. But the plant is very thorny. In spite of coming from a rough, thorny plant, the flower remains soft. We can see that life is full of challenges. As per the famous words ‘the one who wins is the one who thinks he can’. Failures are a part of life. We learn from our failures. “Success doesn’t mean absence of failures. It means winning the war, not every battle”.


The atmosphere in which we were brought up also defines our nature. Parents ought to realize that children have to face challenges in life and hence they need to encourage them to become independent. We shouldn’t always stay in the cocoon; we should come out as a butterfly to see the outside world. A ship is safe in the harbor but it useful only when it comes out to the sea to face any storms or high waves.

Article Posted By : prajwal316lView All Articles

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Keywords :
challenges , success


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