Blue Is Deep! Deep Is Sea!


Most recently on June 8, we have celebrated World Ocean day. 71% of earth’s surface belongs to sea. 97% of water of earth’s surface belongs to seas. According to scientists, only 5% of oceans have been explored till now. Obviously its deepness and blue hide a lot of secrets. So, it implies that sea still has to reveal species of plants and creatures than 23000 species of flora and fauna found till now! So, let us share a few thoughts on this mysterious blue sea and its resources.


Seas help us in many ways


Oceans are connected to one another; it surrounds the whole earth and takes 1/3rd of the total surface area too. Among the 5 oceans of the world, only one ocean is named with the signature of a country itself. It’s none other than Indian Ocean, name derived from India. Seas play a significant role in the existence of living beings on earth including man. It absorbs carbon dioxide considerably and reduces global warming too, thus helping the living beings. It provides food as well as shelter to many animals and plants. Many people solely depend on oceans to earn a living. It is the source of many medicines as well as precious stones like pearls. Waves can be used to produce power and seas are the sources of petroleum products too. Apart from all these facts, many beaches are wonderful tourist destinations!


Wonder land hidden in seas


Oceans have a world exactly similar to land and similar living creatures too, almost many fold. It also includes mountains, dough, valleys and streams. Sea shores draw the boundary line of land and seas. Minings are normally conducted at these places. When it moves towards deepness, slopes are seen. Plateaus of seas have huge surface area comparing those on land and even have mountain ranges and peaks. Depth of the deepest oceans is now considered as 10.911 km that is enough to hold world’s highest peak Mount Everest in it.


But now oceans are waste bins!


June 8 is celebrated all over the world as ‘World oceans day’. But do you, oceans have become the biggest waste bin on earth too? When humans dump their nuclear waste and wastes of factories in oceans, it adversely affects living beings directly depend on it. Such wastes return back to human body through the marine food we eat and other resources. The garbage area in Pacific Ocean is now called Great Pacafic Garbage Patch. It has affected other oceans also. So, it’s the duty of each one of us to protect this natural resource from such threats given by human kind, thus making ‘World Oceans day’, a day worth to celebrate.

Article Posted By : Sandhya RanilView All Articles

Depth of blue seas is so beautiful to watch

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Keywords :
world ocean day , seas , blue sea , waste of sea , use of seas


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