Be Careful About Your Investment


We love digital

We Indian love everything digital. We see something going viral every day. I saw few marketing portals selling all their mobile phones stocks selling within few minutes. I have witnessed a portal selling stock of electronic items worth more than 600 Crores and making a record of online sale in India and many venture and private equity companies investing heavily in online marketing sector.

Let’s give it a look

It’s high time we need to look at all these points seriously. We should look at this with a new point of view. Let’s look it at this way the Indian internet population at the moment is almost 24.25 Crores and increasing at the rate of 50 lacks every month courtesy cheaper smart phones. India is otherwise also considered a fast growing internet user country according to the international market research surveys taking into account its population which is almost touching 130 Crores. 
Online consumer
India with its 43 Crores young consumers that fall in the age-group of 15-35 and the fact that almost 75% internet consumers come in the same age-group will soon become number two country in the internet market the world over followed by China. The fact and stats confirm that if we only try to concentrate consumer related problems through internet the problems could be tackled far easily than we have been dong until now.

We are far behind in online transaction

A recently conducted survey conducted by master-Card on consumer behavior on online consumers in Asian countries revealed the Indians stood at 15th spot out of 16 as far financial literacy was concerned. In fact Indians that do not hesitate buying electronic gadgets online are too afraid making online financial/investment deals on permanent basis. Most of the Indian have no personal finance plans including emergency or retirement plans.

We have no plans for future

It’s a bitter fact about Indians while we do not hesitate buying electronic gadgets online we have no plans whatsoever about our future or we try to postpone all such plans unless an emergency arises. Let me give you a simple example, when we plan to buy a gadget we have tons of advise available in form of reviews etc but when it’s time for investment we look at our family members, friends or even neighbors. We shall have to change this trend immediately. 

Article Posted By : sunylView All Articles

Suny- Foermer marketing head of a telecom company.

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Keywords :
Online , Investment , Finance , Mobile , Internet , Gadgets , Indians , China


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