A Small Note On Mars


Mars – the neighbour of earth that we can see every night; the second smallest planet of solar system and perhaps the most experimented celestial body by our scientists. So it’s sure, it’s a hot property drawing everyone’s attention and curiosity. Through this article let me give you a small note on this planet.


Mars – Common facts


Mars – the name derived from Greek war God is the 4th planet of solar system. Mars revolves around the sun and is 22.79 crore kilometers away from it. It has total area of 6796 sq.km. It takes 24 hours and 37 minutes to complete one rotation and 687 earth years for revolution. Its temperature range is -143 degree to 17 degree celsious. Mars owns two satellites. Another peculiarity of Mars’ surface is canyons.


As it resembles earth a lot in chemical composition and a lot of factors, scientists still believe that life has existed in Mars 10 lakh years ago. According to research, water was found on its surface that time. As surface of this small planet contains methane gas, it emphasizes the presence of water and existence of life, though in micro-organism level.


Death Valley and Husband


Images sent by ‘Spirit’ from the famous Husband Hill of mars, after its observations found many resemblances with earth. It showed close resemblance with Death Valley of California. The volcano of Mars – Olympus Mons is three times higher than Everest and has width three times that of Hawai Insland groups.


Deimos and Phobos


Mars has two natural satellites - Deimos and Phobos and both were discovered by Asaph Hall in the year 1877.


Mars missions till now


First journey to Mars was done by Marinar-4. It was conducted by America in the year 1965. It reached near Mars and took photographs of mars. Very soon such programs were started by Russia also. Through different missions conducted by different countries we have got thousands of pictures of mars’ surface. Now let me list important ones among all.

1964 November 28: Marinar - 4 sent 21 images.

1969 February 24: Marinar – 6 sent 75 images to earth.

1969 March 27: Marinar – 7 sent 126 images

1971 May 30: Marinar 9, mars orbital

In between 1971 November 13 and 1972 October 27 (including those two dates) 7329 images were sent.

After that till now, different space missions like Viking, Orbital and Mars Global surveyor have send amazing images, and till continuing the program. Among all, path finder of 1996, Opportunity of 2003, Phoenix of 2007 and most recent Curiosity need special mention.


 To know about Curiosity and mars:

Article Posted By : Sandhya RanilView All Articles

An observer of sky at night and stars

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Keywords :
mars , features of mars , path finder , curiosity and mars


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