A Profound Day


A man and a dog were walking along the road of thoughts, trying to ascertain the true nature of humanity. A task, which nigh impossible, was assigned to the two characters of our story. The dog was a fastidious one. The man, on the other hand looked smug with a look of grim consternation lighting up his dark face.

They walked for miles and on the way they met life. Now life was a short, shabby man with an air of nonchalance and an eye patch.  His hands were shiny white and the rest of his body was dark. The dog saw life and ignored it. The man stopped life and asked him where he was going. Life was rude to him. He deliberately ignored the man and shrugged off, walking away from him. The man was incensed. But he decided not to pursue life.

They walked on for three days until they couldn’t walk anymore. The landscape was deserted, except for a small insect called fate. Fate flew around everywhere. Its group had deserted him, so he stuck to the man and the dog, following them everywhere. The man got annoyed by this and he told the dog so. The dog, with one long flash of lick, devoured fate. Now fate was part of the dog’s digestive system.

The man acknowledged this loyal act and decided to reward the dog. He picked up the dog and sat over it. The dog couldn’t bear the man’s weight, so it died. Now the man was alone, sad and dejected by his careless act of malice. He didn’t what came over him. Depressed, he continued to walk. On the way he met a pretty girl named destiny. Now destiny was unimpressed by the man’s insipid behaviour after the man made the mistake of telling her about the dog.

She told the man to go back where he came from and repent his actions. The man couldn’t control his temper so shouted at the girl and walked off. This whole pointless exercise in stupidity was too much for him to handle so he self-disintegrated. 

Article Posted By : prajwal316lView All Articles

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Keywords :
life , destiny


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