KELTRON Production Centre

KELTRON Production Centre Photo
Keltron Equipment Complex Karakulam
Thiruvananthapuram - 695 564
Thiruvananthapuram District, Kerala
0472-2888771, 0472-2888999, 0472-2888736

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KELTRON is India’s first and the largest electronics corporation in the State sector. KELTRON has been a catalyst in making electronics work in almost every aspect of our daily life, since 1973. KELTRON specializes in the assimilation, adoption and integration of technology for creating innovative solutions. Its strength lies in the stable foundation and experience built over the years, its strong human capital, its nation-wide network and its ability to adapt itself to change. Recently, KELTRON has added to its repertoire, a set of knowledge services to foster greater global competitiveness for Indian industry as well as to ensure quicker innovation; and an independent division for project consulting to extend the benefits of its large knowledge capital in the form of comprehensive solutions to customers in several market segments worldwide This website would take you through a journey across the world of KELTRON, its products and services, and how it has brought the benefits of electronics for the people Everywhere. Customer Support:- [Trivandrum Service Center, Phone: 0471-2722673, 4094444-254, Email: ] [Cochin Service Center, Phone: 0484-2400557, 2401360, Email: ] [Calicut Service Center, Phone: +91-495-2365190, Email: ]


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