Advocate Rajeev Surana and Associates

Advocate Rajeev Surana and Associates Photo
S-6, Mahesh Marg, Rajasthan High Court Chamber No 24 (B Block), Bapu Nagar
Jaipur - 302 015
Jaipur District, Rajasthan
9414070534 91-141-4007534


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Established in 1993 Advocate Rajeev Surana & Associates have established themselves within a short span of time in the field of consultancy services which includes Civil, Criminal , personal , property and matrimonial laws, banking and recovery disputes along with Constitutional law litigation and advising in India. Advocate Rajeev Surana & Associates started with the goal of delivering exceptional client service through innovative and customized legal solutions. Also our firm believes in putting up a case strongly with a strategy and As a result, we believe that we are strongly positioned to understand and address the concerns and issues facing entities operating India's rapidly changing business and legal environment.


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