The Role And Function Of Planning In The Presentation


Delivering a presentation is not an easy task. It is not important to just put some slides together to give a presentation but is a product that is to be delivered to the target audience.

Getting the target right:

A presentation is always prepared with an objective.  If we get this objective wrong we are not able to deliver effective presentations. Thus, it is essential to get the target right. To decide effectively on the right target one should ask questions like

  • “Is the presentation to explain? ...or sell?”
  • “Am I here to enforce? ... or negotiate?”

 After going through a series of such questions one can easily decide the target market for the presentation. To communicate effectively to the target market it is necessary to make optimum utilization of the first few minutes.

It is thus important to show an understanding of the audience’s circumstances, get them personally involved and then convey the objective of the presentation.


Selecting the right information:

In most presentation information needs to be given to the audience, in this case, there is a chance a same set of information is interpreted differently. Thus one has to be very careful with the information delivered and the amount of information delivered.

To be able to deliver the correct amount of information the Information level test is used, that helps grade the audience and hence decide the information to be delivered accordingly


Information level test:

  • Analysis
  • Hierarchy
  • Group
  • Openness



  1. Information is basically delivery of analysis done in advance.
  2. The analysis delivered should be just enough.
  3. Too much information may lead the audiences to getting bored.
  4. Very little information may seem unprofessional.

Thus grade your audience on the scale of 5 (1-2-3-4-5) based on how much information they are looking for and deliver exactly that much.



  1. Keep in mind the power structure of the audience and make sure you have a sense of your place in the hierarchy.
  2. Never over step your authority.

Rate your recommendations to the scale of 5 (1-2-3-4-5) by asking yourself questions like, How far do my criticisms respect my place in the hierarchy?



  1. Audiences value individualism and group identity very differently.
  2. In Individualistic cultures it is ok to be direct and personal.
  3. In collectivist cultures use of the word ‘we’ is more advisable.

Rate your recommendations to the scale of 5 (1-2-3-4-5) by asking yourself questions like, How much does my audience prefer words like ‘I’, ‘you’ to ‘we’ or ‘us’?



  1. Information can be presented either as an open up or close down discussion.
  2. Selecting the right information packaging is a key to presentation success

Rate your recommendations to the scale of 5 (1-2-3-4-5) by asking yourself questions like, how far will powerful augmentation be seen as professional?


Organizing the process:

This is a set of steps that if followed will lead to a successful presentation.

Step 1: The preparation

Train yourself to be prepared well in advance. Have back up of the presentation and check all equipment. Keep your logistics in place to avoid technical disasters. Plan meticulously for anything that can go wrong.


Step 2: the presentation itself

The presentation itself usually revolves around four factors

  • The involvement factor: the audience usually prefers different levels of involvement, make sure you keep in mind the involvement factor of the audience
  • The organization factor: whether audiences usually look for structured or creative approached to presentations depends on the organization factor and its support, digression and structure.
  • Personal factor: audiences usually demand different approaches to the personal factor, it is important to keep in mind Introductions and politeness.
  • Language factor: the level, voice and text of language used in the presentation should be at par with the audience.
  • Non-verbal factor: it is essential to keep track of the way one dresses, facial expression and eye contact.


Step 3: the follow up:

It is important to track the follow up strategy as the main task of negotiating a deal or convincing to implement a plan starts after the presentation as that is when the real work starts. Plan a follow up strategy well in advance.


Knowing your communication style:

  • Presentations are all about communication.
  • It is important to work on your weakness when it comes to communication and thus overcome this weakness to be a better presenter.
  • Various audiences have national stereotypes and a prescribed communication method; the presenter should keep that in mind.
  • It is essential to be polite, no matter what communication style one follows.
  • Positive politeness: the presenter likes the audience, smiles and shows friendly gestures and facial signals.
  • Negative politeness: this is equally polite but the method changes, the presenter talks less, gives the opposite person more time and space to interact.
Article Posted By : ceorahulgonsalveslView All Articles

CEO and Founder of with a keen interest in HR and Marketing.

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Keywords :
presentation , how to give a presentation


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