A Fumbling Life- Unemployment


Jobs in India are shrinking at an alarming rate. Privatization and globalization have further aggravated the problem. Instead of generating employment, they have rendered millions of hands idle. American policies are effective there but not in India where the accursed ones are left to fend for themselves leading to frustration, disappointment, anger and violence.


Unemployment pollutes the country and endangers the democratic fabric of the country. We can’t expect nobility, honesty and truth from a person who can’t manage two square meals a day for him and his family. An unemployed person has no sense of self-respect as he has no sense of security.


Estimates of total number of Indians unemployed vary between 70 and 100 million. This figure causes concern to any nation, but to a developing country like India, it is a great cause of distress. India was Asia’s fastest expanding economy in the most recent quarterly data. Glitzy shopping malls springing up and a culture of consumption is taking root as foreign companies are attracted by cheap labor. But growing unemployment is forcing people from rural areas to migrate in hordes to nearby cities and towns, creating, social unrest and electricity and water shortages. Millions of menial jobs like street vendoring and farm jobs fall below the government’s radar screen. 92% of Indian jobs are said to be among these. The government issues an unemployment report once in every five years and economists can glean trends from India census data which is published every 10 years.


Unemployment in our country has become such a complicated, economic, social and political issue, that it requires urgent steps to eliminate its scourge. Half hearted measures or temporary solutions will not yield any fruitful results. The foremost requirement is the overhaul of the Indian education system. There should be perfect coordination and integration between our education system and the industrial environment. We have to search for new avenues in farm sector, herbal and medical fields to provide job opportunities after the completion of education. We must concentrate on labor intensive units. All this must be properly planned and executed. In a nutshell the problem of unemployment has to be dealt with on a war footing lest the youth be diverted to the wrong path.

Article Posted By : prajwal316lView All Articles

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Keywords :
unemployment , government


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